40 days and 40 nights — Day 1, evening

I had my first bowl of kitchari at 11:30 this morning. So delicious. This is still the test batch I made yesterday in Grace’s kitchen. I wondered if the spices would grow and develop overnight because it was remarkably tasteless for something with turmeric,...

40 days and 40 nights — Day 1

So, today is Day One of my 40-day Kitchari fast. Kitchari, used as a cleanse and to support healing, will be the only food I’ll eat for this period. It is described as follows:Kitchari (pronounced kitch-a-ree) is a staple comfort food of India, also known as...

Dancing to the Heart of Australia

Today, it came to me to engage in shamanic dancing to the didgeridoo in order to feel into the Heart of Australia for the purpose of offering healing. For some reason, with all the awful things happening all over the planet, and certainly much closer to home, it...