9:32am The day got away from me yesterday and I missed a day of posting to the blog. I’m not sure I actually meant to be posting everyday, but that’s what ended up happening — until now.

So I’m trying not let the fact that my body is smaller overtake all the other reasons that I’m engaged in this practice. Today, when I got on the scale, it hadn’t moved since yesterday and I felt a little bit of a let down — enough to have me know I need to check myself on this. That I’ve been following this path for two solid weeks without any inclination to stop or “cheat,” that my days are filled with such rich experiences of all kinds: deep intuitive knowings; a daily, satisfying spiritual and creative practice; wonderful connection with all sorts of people; and that I’m feeling so physically well — these are the fruits of this practice. The shedding of excess weight is so very welcome and yet I’m aware of the power of the numbers game to sweep away these other benefits. When people comment on how I look, which people seem to feel called to do a lot these days, I feel deeply they’re seeing the internal shifts. But there’s another part that believes they’re more comfortable with me as I drop weight. It’s not easy letting go of the standard of measure that’s been with me for a lifetime, but let it go I will — through prayer and through consciousness, to the best of my growing ability.

Onward into Day 14.

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